1962 Act Section 43 (3) and (8)

This is the law British Waterways quote as their sole authority for the proposed fines for overstaying on moorings.

As quoted in BW’s reply to NABO’s complaint.

(3) Subject to this Act and to any such enactment as is mentioned in the last foregoing
subsection, the [F112British Waterways Board and the Strategic Rail Authority] shall
have power to demand, take and recover [F113or waive] such charges for their services
and facilities, and to make the use of those services and facilities subject to such terms
and conditions, as they think fit.

and on to….

(8) The services and facilities referred to in subsection (3) of this section include, in
the case of the British Waterways Board, the use of any inland waterway owned or
managed by them by any ship or boat.

One Response to “1962 Act Section 43 (3) and (8)”

  1. Paul Biddy MonsterID Icon Paul Biddy says:

    1962.43 is the Act most abused by BW. Used in conjunction with the nebulously worded 14 day rule (1995.17.3.c.ii), BW interpret these Acts as giving them powers over and above other primary legislation, and this has to be challenged in a Court of Law where all other forms of negotiation and complaint have failed. Civil liberties are, I believe, worth protecting.