Posts Tagged ‘Paul Davies’

BW Director denies wishing to enforce like Mussolini

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

User groups met BW’s Legal Director Nigel Johnson on 23 June to discuss changes to the Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruisers following the BW v Paul Davies judgement. NABO, RBOA and the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) were present, as were user groups like the IWA and British Marine Federation that favour BW’s attitude to continuous cruisers. BW Head of Enforcement Denise Yelland and Head of Boating Sally Ash were also present.

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Mooring strategy meeting postponed twice

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

The local mooring strategy process appears to be grinding to a halt. The ninth meeting of the steering group, which was to be held in Devizes on June 17th, was postponed because BW decided it would be better to hold it after June 23rd when national user groups were due to meet with BW to “discuss” changes to the Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruisers following the BW v Davies judgement. If nothing else, this proves that the mooring strategy is designed specifically to target boats without moorings.

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Honey Street boaters meeting minutes

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Here are the minutes of the boaters’ meeting on 14 June 2011, held at The Barge Inn, Honey Street, and an outline of some information posters at the end, which can be copied and enlarged.

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Paul Davies Solicitor issues news release

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Stone King, the solicitor who represented Paul Davies, has issued the news release below on its web site.

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Watch out for The One Show, BBC, 9 June

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

Boaters on the K and A were interviewed by BBC’s The One Show recently. The interview is due to be broadcast on BBC1 on Thursday 9 June at 7pm.

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Minutes of boaters meeting, 24 May, Bradford on Avon

Monday, June 6th, 2011

Here are the minutes from the Boaters’ Meeting on Tues May 24th 2011 in the Georgian Lodge, Bradford on Avon.

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BW v Davies sealed judgement

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

The sealed judgement in BW v Paul Davies is now available as a public document.

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British Waterways act illegally

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

or is the headline “Dog bites Man” ? We received this email from a boater on the Grand Union;

already boaters on the Grand Union canal are being served patrol orders (for first offenses in at least one case) along with a copy of the press release from BW about the Paul Davies case and a letter warning that this case has set a legal precedent regarding live-aboard boaters, their observance (or not)of the cruising guidance and the options that are now open to BW in terms of punitive action in light of this case. This is aggressive and overtly threatening action. Regardless of the ins and outs of the initial issue (the continuous cruising guidance and legal powers (and questionable competency) of BW to enforce it), Paul Davies’ case cannot be used by BW to threaten people across the canal network with homelessness.

The press release is currently the subject of complaint to BW. The complainant has taken legal advice from two experts including a senior barrister who opines that the press release is wrong both factually and in law as County Court judgements do not set precedent.

The statement’s footnote to editors, reproduced in several publications, reads; ‘The decision of the Learned Judge in the case of British Waterways v Davies will be binding on lower courts (and District Judges) and persuasive on Circuit Judges throughout England and Wales’.

The true legal position is that ‘The County Court is bound by all decisions of the higher courts, but its own decisions never create precedents’.

But British Waterways chooses to ignore such irrelevant details as facts and law in order to push through its point of view.

We urge each and every boater who has received one of these notices to complain to the Waterways Ombudsman. As is pointed out in Panda’s comment below this will have to follow 2 levels of complaint to BW, a time consuming and soul-sucking experience but it needs to be done.

That judgement – again

Monday, April 25th, 2011

For real this time;

B E T W E E N :






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The impact of the recent court judgement

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

Paul Davies has emailed us with his latest thoughts on the way that the recent court judgement will affect his lifestyle and cruising patterns.

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