Anarchists Ahoy!

We spotted this on one of the blogs that likes to keep up with our doings;

“Well done sue, a separate boat licence for those who wish to stay in one place to work etc, not paying for moorings or marina berths like the rest of us, taking up prime towpath moorings near towns should be charged at a premium!
As for the kanda website i have been aware of it for some time now and have concluded from the fact that they are obviously well organised and researched that they may be more than mere troublemakers and could in fact be some kind of anarchist contingent!
I am following you’re blog with interest and would like to hear others opinions on how to can deal with this potential menace! David”

I think you’ll find, David, that we are far more than a ‘potential’ menace but thank you for the compliments, we like to think our research is good.

Now off to try and organise a cup of tea.

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5 Responses to “Anarchists Ahoy!”

  1. SimonR MonsterID Icon SimonR says:

    Neil U says: Mooring fees will go up by ridiculous amounts, maintainance will get worse while license fees increase along with salaries for BW Executives.

    Where I’m sitting (on a BW long term mooring), what Neil fears is only what I’ve been living with for the last decade!

  2. I like the way these people think they’re immune from BW’s machinations. When they’ve finished with cc’ers, other liveaboards will be in the firing line. Mooring fees will go up by ridiculous amounts, maintainance will get worse while license fees increase along with salaries for BW Executives. The issue here is the mismanagement of the canals by BW, which is an ill wind that blows no-one any good. They already have the tools to fairly police license evasion/overstaying, they just seem incapable of doing so.

  3. Editor MonsterID Icon Editor says:

    The information we publish here is but a fraction of what we know about British Waterways and the law. Contact us if you are having problems with BW, because we may be able to help.

  4. Philippa, NB Lenin MonsterID Icon Philippa, NB Lenin says:

    Surely anarchy doesn’t lend itself to the forming of contingents??

  5. Malarchist MonsterID Icon Malarchist says:
