Archive for February, 2024

Please oppose restricted opening all year for Caen Hill flight

Saturday, February 10th, 2024

We have been alerted to the fact that CRT may be considering restricted opening hours all year round on a permanent basis for the Caen Hill flight in Devizes, should no objections be raised. The winter opening hours for Caen Hill (Locks 29-44) are 10am – 1pm every day, with last entry into the flight by 1pm.

Please object to this!

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Shower Tuesday is back at new time 5-7pm

Saturday, February 10th, 2024

Shower Tuesday is back at the new time of 5-7pm, every Tuesday at the St James Centre, Estcourt Crescent, Devizes SN10 1LR. Also available are hot drinks, hot soup and rolls, and a warm space. The shower is fully accessible. Shower Tuesday is run by the Waterways Chaplaincy. All welcome.

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UK Boaters for Energy Justice – please sign petition

Friday, February 9th, 2024

More than 18 months on, many boat dwellers have still not been able to obtain the energy support payments which were promised to all households in the UK in 2022. Boat dwellers who legitimately have leisure moorings or ‘high use’ moorings, and boat dwellers without a home mooring on non-CRT waterways, are still excluded, as are some other groups such as Gypsies and Travellers living on the road. These groups still face a doubling in energy costs with no support.

Boaters in Wiltshire have launched a petition in the next phase of their campaign calling for access to two energy support payments which were promised to all eligible households in the UK.

Please sign and share the petition here

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Charging us more for less – CRT facilities policy

Friday, February 9th, 2024

CRT’s policy statement and report on its 2022 consultation on a minimum standard for boaters’ facilities, published on 30th May and 5th July 2023, states that CRT will increase its minimum cruising distance between facilities from 4 hours to 1 day, even though 25% to 35% of respondents (depending on the specific facility) thought a gap of 5 hours was too great. Since then we have had multiple reports of CRT closing facilities all around the waterways.

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