Please oppose restricted opening all year for Caen Hill flight

We have been alerted to the fact that CRT may be considering restricted opening hours all year round on a permanent basis for the Caen Hill flight in Devizes, should no objections be raised. The winter opening hours for Caen Hill (Locks 29-44) are 10am – 1pm every day, with last entry into the flight by 1pm.

Please object to this!

Restricted opening hours, particularly during the summer months when Caen Hill is extremely busy with hire and holiday boats, would increase the risk of many boaters without a home mooring being unable to comply with CRT’s unlawful 20-mile range requirement within the allocated time, which is now deemed by CRT to be 10 months. Boat dwellers without a home mooring on the western K&A have little choice but to navigate the flight at least once a year, or risk their licence renewal being restricted to 6 months, which significantly increases the risk of losing their home. It takes most of a day to navigate Caen Hill. Restricted opening hours all year would make it very difficult to fit this into the time available alongside commitments such as children at school, employment or other family and caring responsibilities.

Please register your objection by emailing Mark Evans, Regional Director, CRT Wales and South West region at

A template letter is below, or you can download it here Objection to restricted hours at Caen Hill


Mark Evans, Regional Director, CRT Wales and South West region

Sent by email only to

Dear Mr Evans,

It has recently come to my attention that Canal & River Trust may be considering restricted operation hours for the Caen Hill locks Flight at Devizes, Kennet&Avon canal all year round on a permanent basis should no objections be raised.

I vehemently object to year round restricted opening hours for the Caen Hill Flight. 

I understand there has been ongoing issues with the flight and that restrictions have been used in the past to conserve water, and maintain water levels. However, this should be a temporary measure while repairs are underway, not a permanent solution to the continued mismanagment and poor maintenance of the flight which has led to such disrepair.

These restrictions all year round would certainly negatively impact many in the boating community.

Summer time at Caen Hill Flight is exceptionally busy. There are at least six hire boat companies in close proximity to Caen Hill, the majority of these tourists choose to navigate the flight, endorsed and encouraged by yourselves. It is the gateway to the rest of the network, and is used by a large number of boaters with a home mooring who holiday further afield during the summer. Boaters without a home mooring in this area are also obliged to navigate Caen Hill at least once a year in relation to their licence, although it is not stipulated, because the required distance cannot often be navigated without the use of Caen Hill.

I am concerned that permanent restricted opening hours would result in many boaters without a home mooring being unable to fulfil the terms of their licence within the allocated time (10 months- not actually a year at all). Many boaters without a home mooring have a very small window of time in relation to their licence period to navigate the flight, due to prior commitments such as children in education, employment or other family and caring responsibilities. These restricted opening hours, particularly during the summer months, with the continuing popularity of the flight with leisure and holiday hire boaters, would certainly increase the risk of many boaters without a home mooring being unable to uphold the terms of their licence.

Obviously the retention of the longer summer opening hours would benefit all boaters whether they live aboard, are on holiday, go boating as their hobby, and whether or not they have a home mooring. I look forward to hearing from you that the Caen Hill opening hours will remain open between 8am to 8pm, last locking 5pm, from 1st April to 30th September.

Yours sincerely,

A. Boater

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2 Responses to “Please oppose restricted opening all year for Caen Hill flight”

  1. Brenda Scowcroft MonsterID Icon Brenda Scowcroft says:

    This seems to be the short end of the wedge. Yet more closures of the canal and the right of navigation. I sincerely hope CRT will not consider such an unhelpful closure of this flight of locks because if they can do this to this flight they will then do it to others. The canal should be open for navigation 24/7 365 days a year.


    Am not happy about the restrictions. Seems to be far too many lock closes happening specially as the licenses have increased so much.
    CRT need to be use the money not maintaining locks and water. Please fix the pumps and broken locks so we can keep moving.