Leafleting and engagement against the surcharge, 29th June, Bradford on Avon – join us!

Volunteers are needed for leafleting and engagement against the surcharge, this Saturday 29th June 2024! Join us to leaflet the public to gain support and explain how CRT is unfairly targeting boaters without a home mooring and why the surcharge is unjust and a huge risk to our community and way of life. We need people to hand out leaflets, talk to members of the public, get petition signatures, and hold banners and placards. Meet us above Bradford Lock at 10am or find us nearby. We plan to leaflet passers-by between 10am and 4pm. Meet us on the towpath next to Bradford Lock, by Wharfinger House / Merriman House (the big house next to the lock).

The day of action is organised by the Kennet and Avon branch of the National Bargee Travellers Asssociation (NBTA) For more information about the action, or to let us know you are coming, please contact
kandanbta@gmail.com or info@boatingcommunity.org.uk or phone 07928 078208.

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