Awkward questions at BW AGM

A boater attended the BW Annual General Meeting in Birmingham on 2 December and put the following question to the question and answer panel.

“When will BW stop acting beyond its powers in carrying out enforcement that makes liveaboard boaters homeless, given that Nigel Johnson’s evidence in Bristol County Court on 23 September shows that such enforcement is unlawful?”

Mr Johnson, who is a solicitor and BW’s Director of Corporate services, sidestepped the question by saying “the judgement has not been given. I disagree with your description of my evidence – the case was about non-payment and how much a continuous cruiser has to keep moving. It has to wait for the judgement.”

Later in the meeting the same boater asked why the objectives of the proposed new waterways charity (which BW is likely to become) made no mention of the thousands of adults and children who live on boats, for whom the waterways are their home. Simon Salem, BW Marketing Director replied “It’s first thoughts only – the objects have to be broad. It’s not a catalogue. The waterways may be used in different ways. It’s a good point and we’ll have to consider it.” Robin Evans, BW Chief Executive added “ It’s questionable that giving people places to live is a charitable object”. At this point the boater asked “Does that mean we’ll be made homeless?” The panel unanimously replied “No!”. Tony Hales, BW Chairman replied “You are an important part of the community. We’ll take that away. You provide security for other boats”.

The BW AGM is a public meeting and anyone can attend. If you want to be put on the list to attend next year’s AGM, phone 01923 201367, email, or contact the Chief Executive’s office; his secretary is on 01923 201359.

Many organisations that provide homes for people are charities, contrary to Mr Evans’ belief.

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One Response to “Awkward questions at BW AGM”

  1. willow raven MonsterID Icon willow raven says:

    So on one hand they are in the bullying and harassment business and in bed with bullyboy debt collectors who support a homeless charity, while taking peoples livelihoods and homes away from them for reasons beyond control eg – ice/section closures/illness etc…on the other hand they want to be a charity (probably so they can get away with employing the unemployed unpaid to do the dirty work removing dog mess on the towpaths without jabs for weils disease etc)
    talk about been hypocrites and two faced.
    time they were kicked into touch and taken to task