Boaters – use your vote.

Something that us boaters may or may not be aware of is that we still have the right to vote even though we are “of no fixed abode”.

By filling in the declaration of local interest form and sending it back to a local council you can get added to the electoral roll (although not for credit purposes), all you need is a care of postal address for the forms to be sent to. The same form will cover you if you want to be registered under BANES, Wiltshire or Reading Councils.

Why bother? Well, its up to personal choice, but its our right to have it and it means we get our say.

By the way, this info doesn’t go to BW as its a separate government body, so saying where you most often moor cannot get in the way of your right to continuously cruise.

One Response to “Boaters – use your vote.”

  1. Panda MonsterID Icon Panda says:

    The Electoral Registration Officer for West Berkshire (Hungerford to Burghfield bridge) is at West Berkshire Council, Market Street, Newbury, RG14 5LD Tel (01635) 519463