BW Chair quits local mooring strategy

In a surprise move, Sally Ash, the BW Chair of the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group, resigned last night. At about 9pm on February 10th, she sent the email below to the steering group members:

“Dear All

I am sorry to have had to miss the last meeting of the K&A mooring strategy group.    I understand however that good progress was made which is excellent news and I’m delighted with the confirmation that I’m a dispensable member of the group.   I have asked Damian to chair future meetings and will only attend if any special need arises.

Thank you all for your continuing contributions to this important exercise.  I look forward to seeing the final outputs in late spring.

With all good wishes


Nothing to do with our article below drawing attention to the bullying atmosphere of many of the meetings, of course.

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2 Responses to “BW Chair quits local mooring strategy”

  1. paul biddy MonsterID Icon paul biddy says:

    Good riddance Sally. Personally, I am unable and unwilling to comply with any strategy that is to the detriment of the boating community. I formally state a position of non-compliance with the current managerial practices of BW that are discriminatory.

  2. admin MonsterID Icon admin says:

    ..have a yabba dabba doo time,
    a dabba doo time,
    we’ll have a gay old time