Continuous Cruisers

The original reason this website was set up, the campaign by British Waterways to remove all liveaboard boaters from the Kennet and Avon who have no permanent mooring. The so-called continuous cruisers.

Staff picket BW AGM over Directors’ bonuses while boaters question new charity trustees

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

BW directors and members of the public attending the BW AGM on 13 October were greeted by a group of BW employees condemning the “already overpaid directors” £15,000 inflation-busting bonuses as a disgrace while employees pay was not increased. The staff handed out a leaflet asking “are these the people you want to run your charity in future?”.

Graphic designer Simon Greer's take on the new logo

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BW Chair says Local Mooring Strategy will not displace people

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The tenth meeting of the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group took place on 11th October at Wiltshire Council offices, Chippenham. Brian has taken over from Kev as one of the representatives of unaffiliated boaters. The agenda was as follows: finalising maps; enforcement and defining neighbourhoods. K and A Manager Mark Stephens chaired the meeting in the absence of Project Manager Damian Kemp. Sally Ash, the original BW Chair, had already informed the group that her presence appeared to be “not conducive to progress”.

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Make sure you have a postal address before waterways charity elections!

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

We have had this message from Becks on Pilgrim who travelled to London this summer for work. She found some gorgeous spots along the K and A and enjoyed the Thames, with the lock keepers and big white plastic boats hurtling past. She spent time in a marina in north west London and travelled through the Lee Valley where she found the boating community there welcoming and friendly. She says

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Legal challenge to revised mooring guidance expected

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

A legal challenge to BW’s revised Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruisers is expected after BW rejected a “letter before claim” from boater Nick Brown. It is likely that Mr Brown will issue Judicial Review proceedings on the grounds that the revised guidance is ultra vires, in other words BW does not have the legal power to enforce it, and that it does not reflect the meaning intended by Parliament of Section 17 3 c ii of the 1995 British Waterways Act.

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BW blocks FOI request about continuous cruising case law

Monday, October 17th, 2011

BW claimed in its reply to the River Lea mooring plan consultation responses that it had case law to support its statement that its draconian proposals for mooring restrictions did not threaten boat dwellers’ human rights. Boater Simon Robbins made a Freedom of Information request to BW in September asking for copies of the relevant judgements. BW refused Simon’s FOI request. You can read the correspondence here.

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Our take on BW’s revised Guidance

Friday, October 14th, 2011

BW’s revised Guidance for Boaters Without a Home Mooring follows a meeting with user groups on 23 June. BW has stated that there will be no further consultation or review of this guidance. Guidance for Boaters Without a Home Mooring differs from the draft revision published by BW in April following the judgement in the BW v Davies case.

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New Guidance for Continuous Cruisers published

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

BW have recently amended their Guidance for Continuous Cruisers

Announced here

and published here

BW’s covering statement in the press release;

“The existing 2004 ‘mooring guidance for continuous cruisers’ has been refined to be more easily understood and to reflect the Judgment in the case of British Waterways v Davies, in which the Court found that moving up and down within a 10 mile stretch of the Kennet & Avon Canal with no home mooring did not amount to bona fide navigation.”

Seems to be a malicious, though not unexpected, rewriting of Judge O’Malley’s judgement which specifically states that this is not the case.

Boaters’ survey – interim report published

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Kennet and Avon boaters have published an interim report on the moorings impact assessment survey that was carried out in May and June. The final report will be ready by November. The interim results show that there will be a significant adverse impact on boat dwellers without moorings if the Local Mooring Strategy proposals go ahead.

You can read or download the report in PDF format here K&A boaters survey interim report

BW in Private Eye spotlight again

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

BW came under the scrutiny of Private Eye again on 6 September with another article detailing threats of homelessness and harassment of liveaboard boaters. Here is a copy of  the article ‘Barged Aside’ in which BW is accused of being “totally uncharitable”.

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14 Days or Such Longer Period as is Reasonable in the Circumstances

Monday, September 19th, 2011

A boat without a home mooring may stay for longer than 14 continuous days in one place if it is reasonable in the circumstances, according to the 1995 British Waterways Act. It is advisable to inform BW if you need to do this, and keep them updated of your circumstances and when you expect to leave.

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