There will be an extra boaters meeting on Saturday 2nd November, 12-2pm at the Three Swans, Hungerford to discuss, ask and answer questions about the local mooring strategy consultation. The meeting is organised by boaters, for boaters. Please tell all the boaters you know about it, because we are unable to leaflet boats to advertise this meeting.
If you missed the earlier meetings, or if you’re nearer to the eastern end of the K&A, this meeting is for you. It will be the last boaters meeting to discuss the consultation, so please come if you can. Copies of the Towpath Mooring Plan (to read) and the Consultation Questionnaire (to take away, fill in and send back) are available from the Raft Cafe boat in Bathampton; theLock Inn below Bradford lock; the K&A Trust cafe at Caen Hill; the K&A Trust shop at Devizes Wharf; the K&A Trust cafe in the Stone Building, Newbury and the K&A Trust cafe in Aldermaston just east of the lift bridge. A few copies are also available at the Waterfront, Pewsey Wharf; the Barge Inn, Honey Street and the Bridge Inn, Horton.
The Three Swans address is 117 High Street, Hungerford, RG17 0LZ. It is about 10 minutes walk up the High Street from the canal bridge, on the left just past the railway bridge.
Tags: community, continuous cruising, liveaboards, meeting, mooring consultation, mooring strategy committee