Job vacancy at Julian House

Julian House has a vacancy for a Gypsy, Roma, Traveller & Boater Outreach and Engagement Worker for Bath and North East Somerset. The part-time job covers BaNES for Roadside Travelling Community Welfare Support, and Keynsham to Dundas on the water. There is no fixed deadline to apply, Julian House recommends submitting applications as soon as possible so as not to miss out.

The job ad says “Based within our Travelling Communities team, the successful Engagement and Outreach Worker will work in partnership with other organisations to encourage the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller & Boater communities to access health, wellbeing and education services, and report on ways to support members of this community more effectively. You will also provide information and support to healthcare teams and other professionals so that they can interact effectively and sensitively with members of these communities”.



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