The boaters’ questionnaire which we published and delivered to boats between Bath and the Long Pound at the end of May is now being collated and analysed. A boater who works in IT has volunteered to enter the data into a spreadsheet designed by another boater. Response forms were completed by over 100 people altogether.
The boaters on the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group would like to thank everyone who replied, delivered questionnaires, and volunteered to help analyse the results. The spreadsheet will enable us to collate the answers to the questions and draw conclusions about the impact of the mooring strategy proposals. Wiltshire Council’s Equality Officer has agreed that her department will verify whether or not the survey is statistically valid.
Another element of the Equality Impact Assessment being carried out by boaters shows that the mooring strategy proposals will result in the loss of 145 14-day mooring spaces. This was calculated on large scale maps using an average boat length of 46ft. Most of the 145 boat lengths will be lost between Bath and Dundas. The bulk of the lost 14-day space will become 24 or 72 hour visitor moorings and “No Mooring” areas. We will publish the full report here when it is finished.
Tags: continuous cruising, equality, liveaboards, Local Mooring Strategy, Wiltshire County Council