A Psychotherapy and Mental Health Skills Coaching Service for itinerant liveaboard boaters has been launched, supported by the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. It aims to help liveaboard boaters to access the mental health support that they need. For contact details and more information, click here
The Psychotherapy and Mental Health Skills Coaching Service offers free of charge or low cost individual sessions for itinerant liveaboard boaters who are suffering from poor mental health.
A pool of mental health practitioners from the boat dwelling and wider Travelling communities is offering short term individual therapy and free skills coaching workshops for conditions including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and re-integration since Covid-19 restrictions; and will be able to help boat dwellers to access longer term health resources.
The service is led by boater Helen Brice, who says:
“Whilst counselling and psychotherapy services are difficult to access for many people, the travelling boater community is particularly penalised by exclusion from registering with a GP due to their No Fixed Address status. This is prejudiced and unlawful, but it occurs frequently”.
Tags: Bargee Traveller's Association, Community Fund, continuous cruising, GP registration, liveaboards, mental health, National Lottery, NHS, NHS access, traveller's rights