Rumour has it…

 … that Sally Ash has had three written warnings from her employer British Waterways, one of them for signing some fraudulent expenses claims from a member of staff.

….that Robin Evans and some other BW directors are to resign this year (before they are pushed?) – disappointingly, this rumour has been around for a while…

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One Response to “Rumour has it…”

  1. Allan MonsterID Icon Allan says:

    I may be doing the Wicked Witch of Watford a great disservice but I seem to recall that she was given a final written warning some years ago due to one of her direct reports fraudulently using a credit card. I think there is some legislation that makes BW take a very dim view of this practice!

    From memory (which I must admit is not so good these days) his name was John Butterly and he may have worked for the Wild over Waterways or Wild about Water team. I think it was between three and five years ago. Rumour had it at the time that the only reason she did not get sacked was due to her relationship with her boss, Simon Salem.

    I would stress that this is only my vague recollection and am happy to apologise if proved wrong.

    Perhaps a bit of googling and a foi request might prove productive by anyone interested in following this up.

    With regard to executive directors going, yes this rumour has been doing the rounds for a little while. The logic behind it is that Defra cuts mean jobs cuts and BW must be seen to be cutting at the top as well as the bottom.

