Posts Tagged ‘Canal and River Trust’

BW transfer becomes law with concession to itinerant boat dwellers

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Both Houses of Parliament passed the BW Transfer Order on 27th June following debates on 25th and 26th June. In the debate in the Commons First Delegated Legislation Committee, Waterways Minister Richard Benyon announced that the Navigation Committee of the Canal and River Trust (CRT) “… will include at least one boater without a home mooring who understands and campaigns for the interests of itinerant live-aboard boaters.”

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Parliamentary Committee recommends CRT must consult boat dwellers

Saturday, May 26th, 2012

The Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee has recommended “that the Canal and River Trust demonstrates that it has taken into consideration the specific needs of all stakeholders, including itinerant boat dwellers, in the development of all future byelaws”.

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Anti-liveaboard candidates win CRT election

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

The anti-liveaboard Inland Waterways Association (IWA) has been elected to three of the four private boater places on the Canal and River Trust Council. Clive Henderson, Ivor Caplan and Keith Welch, all connected with the IWA, gained the most votes with Ann Farrell in fourth place. The two boating business places were taken by Nigel Stevens, owner of Shire Cruisers hire boats and a past Chair of BWAF, and Anthony Matts.

Liveaboard Frank Kelly who stood for election said

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BW transfer order to be examined by five Parliamentary committees

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

The draft order to transfer BW to charity status will be scrutinised by five Parliamentary committees and in addition has to be agreed by both houses of Parliament. This means that there will be opportunities to lobby Parliament about the risks of homelessness for boat dwellers of the move to the Canal and River Trust (CRT), in particular to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee. In addition, there is still time to object to the registration of the CRT to the Charity Commission, as the application to register the charity has not yet been submitted.

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BW transfer order laid before Parliament

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

On 29 February the Government laid before Parliament the draft order under the Public Bodies Act 2011 to transfer the functions of British Waterways to the Canal and River Trust. A Freedom of Information request has confirmed that no application to register the Canal and River Trust as a charity has been made – so there’s still time to object to the Charity Commission.

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Voting starts tomorrow – check your post!

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Voting for the Canal and River Trust Council starts tomorrow, 8th February. Liveaboard boater Frank Kelly, who helped to prevent BW from introducing its draconian and unlawful mooring strategy for the River Lea,  is standing for election to one of the four private boater places on the Council.

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BW Charity Transfer Delayed

Monday, January 30th, 2012

 It looks like the transfer of BW to charity status will be held up due to the time the Parliamentary procedure is expected to take.

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Liveaboard boater to stand for election

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Liveaboard boater Frank Kelly will be standing for election to one of the four boater representative places on the Canal and River Trust Council. Here is his statement which will be on the voting form:

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Make sure you have a postal address before waterways charity elections!

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

We have had this message from Becks on Pilgrim who travelled to London this summer for work. She found some gorgeous spots along the K and A and enjoyed the Thames, with the lock keepers and big white plastic boats hurtling past. She spent time in a marina in north west London and travelled through the Lee Valley where she found the boating community there welcoming and friendly. She says

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