CRT earlier this year stayed Section 8 cases against two boat dwellers without permanent moorings, Matthew Jones and Christopher McKendrick, following the Court of Appeal judgement in Matthew Jones’s favour on 7th March 2017, we can now reveal. The Consent Order sealed by Bristol County Court on 23rd May 2017 shows that CRT reached a settlement with Matthew Jones. Both Mr Jones and Mr McKendrick have now re-licensed their boats without a permanent mooring. Their homes are not now under threat of being seized by the charity. Both had been deemed by CRT not to have moved “far enough”.
Posts Tagged ‘human rights’
Canal and River Trust registered but still time to lobby MPs about BW Transfer Order
Tuesday, May 1st, 2012On 27th March, the House of Lords Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee decided to trigger the “super affirmative” procedure for the BW Transfer Order. This means that the time for consideration by Parliamentary Committees is 60 days (normally it is 40) and it must be approved by both Houses of Parliament following a debate in each. The 60 days ends on 24 May 2012 and the debates will take place sometime after 30 May. Seven days notice of the debates will be given and this will be posted on This means that there is still some more time to lobby MPs and Lords about the Transfer Order, up to the start of June. Please write to your MP.