Protest and engagement against the surcharge, this Saturday 26th October 2024! Meet at Lock 44 by the cafe at the top of the Caen Hill flight in Devizes at 10am. Join us to protest against the surcharge on boats without a home mooring and engage with the public to get their support!
Join us to leaflet the public to explain how CRT is unfairly targeting boaters without a home mooring and why the surcharge is unjust. We need people to hand out leaflets, talk to members of the public, and hold banners and placards. The protest and engagement event is organised by the K&A branch of the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA). Recent protest and engagement leafleting days have had a positive and supportive response from the public.
Meet us on the towpath by Lock 44 at 10am. We will be leafleting until 4pm. See you there!
Tags: Bargee Traveller's Association, boat licence fees, Caen Hill, continuous cruising, CRT, Devizes, engagement, licence surcharge, liveaboards, Lock 44, Protest, stop the surcharge