BW backs down on Lee and Stort mooring restrictions

Following strong opposition from boaters in London, BW has backed down over its proposals for draconian and unlawful mooring restrictions for boats without moorings on the Lee, Stort and Hertford Union navigations. However, BW still proposes to set up a local mooring strategy along the lines of the K and A mooring strategy. BW has also proposed to issue ‘roving mooring permits’ which ‘allow’ the boater to do what they are already entitled to do under Section 17 (3) c ii of the 1995 British Waterways Act, at a proposed cost equivalent to an average permanent mooring fee. You can read BW’s announcement and detailed response here

Almost all towpath users opposed BW’s plans, as did rowers, canoeists and a lot of boaters with moorings. London boaters’ campaign included challenging the legality of BW’s proposals; individual and group responses to the consultation; letters and visits to MPs; lobbying local authorities, churches and community groups; working with other boating organisations such as NABO and RBOA, and carrying out surveys of towpath users. London boaters also did their own research which disproved BW’s unsupported claims about congestion, and examined the likely impact of the proposals in terms of homelessness, pressure on local housing waiting lists, and denial of access to non-resident children, employment, health care and education. You can read the London boaters research and other reports here under the headings London Boaters and London Boaters BW Consultation response

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