The next meeting of the K&A boaters action group is next Monday 11th August at 7.30pm in Semington.
If you want to come, please email or ring/text 07928 078208. Lifts may be available. If you can offer or need a lift please contact the group as above.
The boaters action group meets on the second Monday of every month in different places along the canal. If you have some time to contribute to defending and promoting the boating community on the K&A, please get involved.
The meeting will be discussing possible action regarding: dangerously driven hire boats; the mooring plan between Bath and Devizes (the K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan) and other issues that concern us. If you are concerned about the mooring plan, for instance if you have received emails, texts or letters from CRT alleging that you have overstayed or charging you £25 for overstaying, please come to the meeting.
Tags: enforcement, hire boat companies, K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan, liveaboards, meeting