The Barge Inn, Honeystreet is to reopen on Friday 24th May 2019 at 11am. Once more the pub will be a meeting point for the boating community, crop circle enthusiasts, campers and an eclectic range of other local people and visitors. Come to the party!
Posts Tagged ‘Alton Parish Council’
Quiet zone for Wilcot
Thursday, October 9th, 2014Residents, boaters and CRT agreed last week that there was a case for making parts of Wilcot on the Long Pound a Quiet Mooring Zone. The Pewsey Canal Action Group’s second meeting on 2nd October 2014 concluded that there was no need for any 48-hour moorings in the village as there is always space for boats to moor.
Pewsey area meeting to address parish councils’ concerns over ‘boater behaviour’ on 19th June
Wednesday, June 4th, 2014Quiet mooring zone kicks off at Honey Street
Saturday, October 20th, 2012Attempt to stop all boats mooring in parish
Monday, March 12th, 2012This Thursday evening (March 15th) Alton Parish Council is to hold a second meeting to discuss getting rid of all the temporary and permanent moorings outside the Barge Inn, Honey Street and at Gibson’s Boat Services (now Moonboats). In addition we understand that the Parish Council wants to prevent boats from mooring anywhere in the Parish. British Waterways and a Community Police Officer have been invited to attend the meeting, but no attempt has been made to consult local boaters. However a number of boaters plan to attend the meeting and would welcome other boaters joining them.