An enforcement officer on the Grand Union Canal recently emailed a boater without a home mooring telling them how far they should travel in order to comply with s.17 3 c ii of the 1995 British Waterways Act. He said “… if your craft is seen to be travelling in excess of 17km, moving from place to place every 14 days (unless local restrictions apply) turning around to genuinely cruise in the opposite direction there should be no issues”.
CRT Policy News
Enforcer tells boater how far is far enough
Saturday, July 20th, 2013Winter moorings denied to liveaboards
Thursday, July 11th, 20132013 winter mooring permits have been designed to prevent boaters complying with enforcement notices and promote roving mooring permits
CRT appears determined to make liveaboard boaters homeless by denying those who have been subjected to enforcement the opportunity to comply by taking a winter mooring.
CRT targeting boats moving 5km or less
Friday, March 29th, 2013CRT chuggers at Bradford lock for Easter
Friday, March 29th, 2013CRT spending £500k to reduce our numbers
Sunday, March 17th, 2013CRT is currently recruiting seven new staff whose main purpose will be to persuade boat dwellers without home moorings to accept “new policies”; making sure that CRT’s “messages are accurately understood by social and print media as well as all those affected by changes ” and “helping to develop understanding of the legal framework within which we exercise our responsibilities as navigation authority”. Seven posts have been advertised; these are three Community Participation Managers and three Towpath Mooring Control Managers for London, the South and the North, plus an Administrator. The total cost is around £500,000.
Another CRT resignation ahead of Parliamentary scrutiny of waterways partnerships
Saturday, February 2nd, 2013Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe, Chair of the Kennet and Avon Local Waterway Partnership, resigned this week. Tamsin Phipps, who represents canoeists on the Partnership, is now acting as the temporary Chair. The Partnership is about to release its review of the K&A local mooring strategy proposals.
Can’t Really Trust’em…
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013The recent Memorandum of Understanding between CRT and the Residential Boat Owners Association (RBOA) is a further indication of CRT’s efforts to divide boating organisations and reward those that support its policies while seeking to misrepresent and exclude those that challenge it. CRT has signed memoranda of understanding with the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) and the RBOA to date.
Enforcement bully backs down after complaint from injured boater
Saturday, January 19th, 2013CRT concedes that a minimum distance is unlawful
Sunday, January 13th, 2013Local mooring strategy latest
Saturday, November 24th, 2012The K&A Local Waterways Partnership Moorings Sub-Group has held two meetings so far, on 26th October and 19th November. It is due to carry out a final review of the proposed mooring plan before putting it out to consultation to the organisations and communities represented in the Sub-Group.