Posts Tagged ‘enforcement’

K&A boaters action group next meet 13th April, Devizes

Monday, April 6th, 2015

The next meeting of the K&A boaters action group will be on Monday 13th April at 7.30pm in Devizes. Please come and get involved in defending and promoting the boating community on the K&A and also to raise any concerns that you may have about CRT enforcement; the K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan; CRT’s new policy towards boaters without home moorings and CRT’s draconian and excessive proposals for changes to the Boat Licence Terms and Conditions.

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CRT unlawfully set minimum distance of “15 to 20 miles” after denying any such statement exists

Sunday, March 8th, 2015

In a statement on Facebook late on Friday 6th March, CRT stated that boats without a home mooring must travel a minimum range in excess of 15 to 20 miles in order to comply with Section 17 (3)(c)(ii) of the British Waterways Act 1995.

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Information release throws light on changes to enforcement process for boats without a home mooring

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

In a response to a Freedom of Information request CRT has released information about the changes to the enforcement process against boats without a home mooring which it has announced will be applied to all continuous cruisers from 1st May 2015.

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CRT set minimum distance – without telling us what it is

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

Yesterday CRT announced that from 1st May 2015 that it is extending its “new continuous cruiser” enforcement process to all boats licensed without a home mooring. It declared that it would refuse to renew the licences of the boats that have moved the least over their licence year unless they obtain a home mooring, and that boats that travel further but whose movement falls short of the movement required by Section 17 3 c ii of the British Waterways Act 1995 would only have their licences renewed for a short period and if their movement was still not considered adequate, they too would be forced to take a mooring or CRT would refuse to renew their licence. Yet CRT has not stated what it means by boats that move the least, and neither has it disclosed what distance it considers acceptable.

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K&A boaters action group next meet 9th February, Bath

Friday, January 30th, 2015

The next meeting of the K&A boaters action group will be on Monday 9th February 2015 at 7.30pm in Bath.

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Data checker becomes enforcement officer as CRT resumes weekly boat checks

Friday, December 19th, 2014

CRT has appointed Licensing Officer/ Data Checker Matthew Preston as the second Enforcement Officer on the K&A. This is despite Mr Preston’s claims to boaters that he just wanted a quiet life and aimed to do his job without any confrontation. He started his new role at the beginning of this month.

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Are you a new continuous cruiser?

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

When CRT established the Towpath Mooring Control project (which was quickly renamed the Towpath Mooring Management project) it declared its intention to write to all new continuous cruisers ‘welcoming’ them and setting out what CRT expected regarding boat movements.

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CRT releases second report on K&A Local Plan as enforcement staff re-write Local Plan on the hoof

Sunday, November 23rd, 2014

On 11th November CRT published the second of four planned three-monthly reports on the K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan.

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CRT welfare officer in post

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Sean Williams, the recently appointed CRT Welfare Officer, started work this week. We do not have any contact details for him yet, but assume his email address will be and that he will be based in the CRT head office at First Floor North, Station House, 500 Elder Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 1BB.

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Lies, damned lies and CRT boat sightings

Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

A boater has carried out an evaluation of the statistics on boat movement in CRT’s first quarterly report on the K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan. Our correspondent reports:

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