A Psychotherapy and Mental Health Skills Coaching Service for itinerant liveaboard boaters has been launched, supported by the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. It aims to help liveaboard boaters to access the mental health support that they need. For contact details and more information, click here
Posts Tagged ‘GP registration’
FFT need volunteers to mystery shop GP surgeries
Tuesday, December 14th, 2021Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) need volunteers to help with a mass mystery shop of GP surgeries in England. In recent years, FFT has exposed that GP surgeries routinely broke NHS guidelines by refusing to register a nomadic, Romany or Traveller patient, both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
If you’re over 70 and have not been invited for a Covid-19 jab, contact NHS now!
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021By mid-February 2021 the Government aimed to have all over-70s and people classed as clinically extremely vulnerable given their first of two vaccinations against Covid-19, but told people they should wait to be invited for their appointment. Now, the NHS wants anyone over 70 or clinically extremely vulnerable who has not had their first jab to contact them to get vaccinated.
Coronavirus vaccinations – make sure of your jab by registering with a GP
Monday, January 25th, 2021The invitations to attend Coronavirus vaccination appointments for priority groups, which will include everyone over the age of 50, are being generated from the patient records held by doctors’ surgeries. Liveaboard boaters who are not registered with a GP may find that they are not contacted by the NHS with an invitation to have the Covid-19 vaccination.