Posts Tagged ‘Section 17’

BW misleads boaters again over legality of guidance for continuous cruising

Friday, June 8th, 2012

On 23rd May, BW published a press release stating that the High Court had issued a judgement upholding the lawfulness of its Guidance for Boaters Without a Home Mooring. This is highly misleading; liveaboard boater Nick Brown is continuing his Judicial Review of BW’s Guidance.

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K&A water supply and drought contingency plans for summer 2012

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

The possibility of navigation restrictions and stoppages is one of the reasons why Section 17 3 c ii of the 1995 British Waterways Act allows boaters without home moorings to stay longer than 14 days in one place if it is reasonable in the circumstances. So if you are trapped by maintenance stoppages or drought measures, don’t worry. Here is some information from BW about water resources, water supply and plans in the event of further drought, from the presentation at the Kennet and Avon Canal User Group meeting on May 3rd.

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BW to take enforcement action against all boats travelling less than 30km

Friday, May 25th, 2012

BW’s internal Licensing and Enforcement management reports between June 2011 and March 2012 show that BW has set a target for “all boats not moving at least 30km during their contract period to be within enforcement process “. The reports were obtained by a Freedom of Information request.

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Attempt to stop all boats mooring in parish

Monday, March 12th, 2012

This Thursday evening (March 15th) Alton Parish Council is to hold a second meeting to discuss getting rid of all the temporary and permanent moorings outside the Barge Inn, Honey Street and at Gibson’s Boat Services (now Moonboats). In addition we understand that the Parish Council wants to prevent boats from mooring anywhere in the Parish. British Waterways and a Community Police Officer have been invited to attend the meeting, but no attempt has been made to consult local boaters. However a number of boaters plan to attend the meeting and would welcome other boaters joining them.

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BW release draft mooring strategy proposals

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

BW recently released a draft summary of the Local Mooring Strategy proposals to the Steering Group and the representatives of unaffiliated boaters on the Group responded to these draft proposals this week. BW has asked for responses from Steering Group members prior to putting the finalised proposals out to consultation. Watch out for boaters’ meetings soon to make sure you have your say about it. BW’s summary of the proposals and the unaffiliated boaters’ response is below.

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Latest information on BW’s “CC Procedure”

Monday, January 30th, 2012

After a delay of around 15 months BW has finally coughed up some information about changes to its “continuous cruising” enforcement procedure.

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What to do if you get enforcement letters from BW such as a CC1 or Pre-CC1

Monday, November 21st, 2011

A number of boaters have been served with enforcement letters in the last few months. This has mainly been on stretches of the canal above Devizes. Here is some advice about how to respond to them that we hope will be helpful. You can also download this briefing below as a 4-page leaflet.

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Staff picket BW AGM over Directors’ bonuses while boaters question new charity trustees

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

BW directors and members of the public attending the BW AGM on 13 October were greeted by a group of BW employees condemning the “already overpaid directors” £15,000 inflation-busting bonuses as a disgrace while employees pay was not increased. The staff handed out a leaflet asking “are these the people you want to run your charity in future?”.

Graphic designer Simon Greer's take on the new logo

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BW Chair says Local Mooring Strategy will not displace people

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The tenth meeting of the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group took place on 11th October at Wiltshire Council offices, Chippenham. Brian has taken over from Kev as one of the representatives of unaffiliated boaters. The agenda was as follows: finalising maps; enforcement and defining neighbourhoods. K and A Manager Mark Stephens chaired the meeting in the absence of Project Manager Damian Kemp. Sally Ash, the original BW Chair, had already informed the group that her presence appeared to be “not conducive to progress”.

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Legal challenge to revised mooring guidance expected

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

A legal challenge to BW’s revised Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruisers is expected after BW rejected a “letter before claim” from boater Nick Brown. It is likely that Mr Brown will issue Judicial Review proceedings on the grounds that the revised guidance is ultra vires, in other words BW does not have the legal power to enforce it, and that it does not reflect the meaning intended by Parliament of Section 17 3 c ii of the 1995 British Waterways Act.

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