BaNES Council is proposing to introduce vehicle parking restrictions near the canal that will make it more difficult for liveaboard boaters to stay for 14 days in Bath. The deadline for objections is 23rd December 2021. The Council proposes to make a Traffic Regulation Order to restrict or prevent parking on Beckford Road, Rockliffe Avenue and Forester Road. See
The purpose of the proposed restrictions is to make space for a cycle lane going uphill along Beckford Road and Warminster Road. However, since CRT introduced its unlawful and punitive 20-mile range requirement in 2015 for boaters without a home mooring, cycling to work or school or using public transport has become untenable for liveaboard boaters.
You can read and download the documents and maps here
You can object online here
This is an example of what you could say in response to the consultation: