Posts Tagged ‘Moorings Consultation’

Your response, your future

Monday, November 30th, 2009


Tuesday 8th December 8pm Love Lounge @ the Bell


Thursday 10th December 8pm Canal Tavern

Two meetings, one in Bradford, one in Bath to discuss our collective and individual response to the consultations. As with true sneakiness and contrary to government guidelines on public consultation (yes, there will be a complaint) this consultation straddles Christmas and New Year we feel it is important to get our voice heard as soon as. For the last moorings consultation 8% of the response came from the Western Kennet and Avon. We know that you want to make your voice heard, come along and gather the information and resources to make your response as effective as possible.

There are two consultations running:

1. Moorings Policy for BW’s network in England and Wales, deadline 31 January.
2. Proposals for developing local mooring strategies, deadline 11 January (You may have received a letter about this one, delivered to your boat).

Please be there – BW want to introduce mooring restrictions that could severely restrict our way of life, so responding to these proposals is important for the future of our community! You can read the consultation documents online at:

If you can’t come to the meeting, please respond to both consultations. You will find some of our thoughts about the proposals on this website. If you don’t respond your future will be decided without your input.

We cannot emphasis enough how important it is to respond to this consultation, this meeting is a good place to do that.

If you need help getting to either venue, let us know and we’ll co-ordinate lifts.

BW Answers

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

well, kind of.

Here are the answers emailed by Damian Kemp to question submitted to the Users Meeting in Devizes, already answered in our post before the meetings is a desultory and content-free way.

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Consultation responses – a few suggestions

Thursday, November 26th, 2009

We have been compiling people’s views on the ignorations and here is the first draft of the responses we have gathered.

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Consultation, bottom upwards

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

During a recent meeting of those of us interested in these issues an interesting point came up.

There’s some interesting comments starting to come in on this topic.

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Sally blames dog shit on the boaters

Saturday, November 21st, 2009

And all the rest of it, listen here;


Moorings Ignoration: a rough guide

Friday, November 20th, 2009

OK listen up, it’s complicated but i know you can do it.

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Local Consultation released

Friday, November 20th, 2009

In the topsy turvy world that is Sally Eichmann’s crusade, the second part, no the third part, no the first part, anyway one of the parts of Ms Ash’s master plan, the local moorings consultation is released.

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The Ignoration

Friday, November 20th, 2009

Waterways User group Meeting November 19th Wharf Centre Devizes

An opportunity for British Waterways to finally find out what we think?
Or a piece of corporate blandwash?

You decide….

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Consultation response

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

In my initial response to the moorings consultation I have decided to take it at face value. At some future point I will examine the proposals in their social context.

Starting from this statement;

British Waterways claim there is a problem that requires solution.

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National Consultation on Mooring Policy – a summary

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

As the actual document is a verbose web of spin and the meaty bits are hidden and dotted about, it might be useful to have this summary. The more people who print this and distribute it the better the chances of our voices making a difference.

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