BW plans to carry out the consultation on the Kennet and Avon Local Mooring Strategy between the end of May and the end of September 2012, according to a Freedom of Information response from BW.
Continuous Cruisers
The original reason this website was set up, the campaign by British Waterways to remove all liveaboard boaters from the Kennet and Avon who have no permanent mooring. The so-called continuous cruisers.
Local Mooring Strategy consultation planned for May to September
Wednesday, April 4th, 2012Temporary facilities to be installed at Dundas
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012BW contracts out enforcement to parking company
Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012Parish Council apologises for not consulting boaters
Tuesday, March 13th, 2012Anti-liveaboard candidates win CRT election
Tuesday, March 13th, 2012The anti-liveaboard Inland Waterways Association (IWA) has been elected to three of the four private boater places on the Canal and River Trust Council. Clive Henderson, Ivor Caplan and Keith Welch, all connected with the IWA, gained the most votes with Ann Farrell in fourth place. The two boating business places were taken by Nigel Stevens, owner of Shire Cruisers hire boats and a past Chair of BWAF, and Anthony Matts.
Liveaboard Frank Kelly who stood for election said
Attempt to stop all boats mooring in parish
Monday, March 12th, 2012This Thursday evening (March 15th) Alton Parish Council is to hold a second meeting to discuss getting rid of all the temporary and permanent moorings outside the Barge Inn, Honey Street and at Gibson’s Boat Services (now Moonboats). In addition we understand that the Parish Council wants to prevent boats from mooring anywhere in the Parish. British Waterways and a Community Police Officer have been invited to attend the meeting, but no attempt has been made to consult local boaters. However a number of boaters plan to attend the meeting and would welcome other boaters joining them.
Oxford boaters under threat
Saturday, March 3rd, 2012BaNES traveller policy may include boat dwellers
Thursday, March 1st, 2012Liveaboard Boaters Gathering, Pewsey, April 13-15
Monday, February 27th, 2012Low Impact Life Onboard (LILO) is hosting a Spring Gathering of Boaters near Pewsey on the Kennet & Avon. All boaters are welcome . It’ll be an informal affair – a chance for boaters to share news and skills. There will be plenty of camping space available for those who decide not to bring their boats to the gathering. To book your place and find out the exact location and details about camping, contact or register at
BW never intended K and A mooring strategy meetings to continue
Monday, February 27th, 2012On 28 November 2011, BW’s Damian Kemp informed members of the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group by email that there would be no more meetings and that BW would complete the Mooring Strategy in-house. Yet this message has turned out to be entirely dishonest – BW had already planned in September 2011 that the October 2011 meeting was to be the last.