There have been further developments regarding the local mooring strategy at the Kennet and Avon Local Waterways Partnership Board.
Continuous Cruisers
The original reason this website was set up, the campaign by British Waterways to remove all liveaboard boaters from the Kennet and Avon who have no permanent mooring. The so-called continuous cruisers.
Partnership Board to form committee on mooring strategy
Friday, February 17th, 2012BW release draft mooring strategy proposals
Saturday, February 11th, 2012BW recently released a draft summary of the Local Mooring Strategy proposals to the Steering Group and the representatives of unaffiliated boaters on the Group responded to these draft proposals this week. BW has asked for responses from Steering Group members prior to putting the finalised proposals out to consultation. Watch out for boaters’ meetings soon to make sure you have your say about it. BW’s summary of the proposals and the unaffiliated boaters’ response is below.
Voting starts tomorrow – check your post!
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012Voting for the Canal and River Trust Council starts tomorrow, 8th February. Liveaboard boater Frank Kelly, who helped to prevent BW from introducing its draconian and unlawful mooring strategy for the River Lea, is standing for election to one of the four private boater places on the Council.
Local NABO rep furious at BW’s decision to disband local mooring strategy group
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012Latest information on BW’s “CC Procedure”
Monday, January 30th, 2012Liveaboard boater to stand for election
Monday, January 16th, 2012Now’s the time to object to registration of BW charity!
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011Trustees of the Canal and River Trust plan to register the new charity in November or December 2011. If you will be directly affected by this you have the right to object to the registration of the charity. Objections should be sent to the Charity Commission. The Bill that will allow BW to be transferred to a charity has passed through the Committee stage in Parliament without much change. Now is the time to object to it being registered with the Charity Commission.
What to do if you get enforcement letters from BW such as a CC1 or Pre-CC1
Monday, November 21st, 2011A number of boaters have been served with enforcement letters in the last few months. This has mainly been on stretches of the canal above Devizes. Here is some advice about how to respond to them that we hope will be helpful. You can also download this briefing below as a 4-page leaflet.
Dundas facilities closed until further notice
Saturday, November 5th, 2011The elsan, pumpout and water tap at Dundas wharf are closed until further notice. It seems that the building on the wharf has a bow in the front wall making the area unsafe. It could be shut for quite some time. The nearest water taps are either above Bradford lock or at Bathampton wharf.The nearest elsan disposal and pumpout is above Bradford lock. As far as we know, Bath Narrowboats charges £5 for elsan disposal and more for pumpout, but this may have changed.