Posts Tagged ‘enforcement’

Waterways Partnership wins argument on voluntary nature of K&A Local Plan

Monday, July 7th, 2014

It appears that the K&A Local Waterways Partnership has won the argument with CRT about the voluntary nature of the K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan.

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Some news about enforcement on the K&A

Monday, April 7th, 2014

There have been some developments in CRT’s enforcement practice along the K&A, according to conversations between boaters and CRT staff.

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Local Mooring Strategy to start on 1st May for trial 12 months

Thursday, March 13th, 2014

CRT today published its final decision on the Towpath Mooring Plan for the K&A between Bath top lock and Lower Foxhangers (Devizes). The finalised plan includes a number of unlawful elements and others that contradict CRT’s stated aim of providing clear local mooring guidance.

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Waterways Chaplaincy on the K&A

Monday, January 20th, 2014

Two Waterways Chaplains are on the K&A until April. Andy and Sue Smith arrived on the K&A last summer in their narrowboat Spring Water. They regularly walk the towpath to find out if any vulnerable people need help, support or advice.

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Nearly 4,500 people pressure CRT to review enforcement against boaters who are ill

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014

All enforcement cases involving boaters who are ill will be personally scrutinised by CRT Chief Executive Richard Parry. This was announced following an online petition that nearly 4,500 people have signed. The petition calls on CRT to stop evicting boat dwellers who are disabled, elderly or vulnerable. You can read the petition and sign it here

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New enforcement supervisor for K&A

Sunday, January 5th, 2014

Sheila Shaw, who has been the Enforcement Supervisor for the Wales and the West, took over as Enforcement Supervisor for the K&A on 2nd January.

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Parry to personally scrutinise every decision to take a boater to court

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Three boaters spoke to Richard Parry, CRT’s Chief Executive, when he visited Crofton last Wednesday. One of the most significant things that they learnt was that Mr Parry will personally scrutinise every decision to take boaters to court from January.

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K&A mooring consultation: only three weeks until deadline

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

Responses to the consultation on the Towpath Mooring Plan for the K&A west of Devizes have to be in by 29th November. The proposals will affect all boaters using the K&A between Bath and Devizes. If you haven’t filled in a consultation questionnaire, please do so now. Below is an example consultation response with some explanatory notes to help you gather your thoughts.

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CRT demand £76,000 from disabled boater denied Legal Aid

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Following a Section 8 case, CRT is bringing further court proceedings to get over £76,000 it claims it spent on legal action against a disabled boat dweller.

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Jane Lee is back

Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Jane Lee has been appointed CRT Enforcement Supervisor for London and the South.

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