On 16th April 2016, over 200 boat dwellers including a group from the K&A marched to Downing Street to hand in a petition against CRT’s policy that threatens boaters without a home mooring with restricted licences and ultimately eviction from CRT waterways.
Posts Tagged ‘petition’
Boaters march to protect their homes
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016National Boats Are Homes demonstration 16th April
Wednesday, March 16th, 2016On Saturday 16th April there will be a demonstration to demand that CRT:
*stops evicting or threatening to evict boat dwellers without permanent moorings based on their travel pattern, because of an arbitrary and unlawful minimum distance ‘rule’ that has been imposed since last May
*stops imposing 24 hour mooring time limits (the law entitles us to stay 14 days in any one place)
*stops any plans for the sale of our waterways,
and instead takes positive action to:
*maintain the banks and towpaths of the waterways
*install more mooring rings where these are needed and
Boater starts petition for better K&A facilities
Thursday, July 9th, 2015Boater Andrew Pinney has started a petition calling on CRT to carry out a comprehensive review of sanitary, water and rubbish facilities on the K&A, which he says are much worse than on most other CRT waterways. You can sign the petition here
Boats are homes – please sign petition against CRT’s new policy of refusing to renew licences
Sunday, March 1st, 2015A petition against CRT’s new policy of refusing to renew licences of boaters without a home mooring has reached almost 12,000 signatures in just 10 days.
CRT welfare officer in post
Friday, November 14th, 2014Sean Williams, the recently appointed CRT Welfare Officer, started work this week. We do not have any contact details for him yet, but assume his email address will be sean.williams@canalrivertrust.org.uk and that he will be based in the CRT head office at First Floor North, Station House, 500 Elder Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 1BB.
CRT moorings consultation sparks angry petition
Friday, October 17th, 2014CRT is holding another consultation on methods for allocation of its directly managed moorings, but despite the previous consultation in 2008 showing overwhelming opposition to the principle of an auction system, it is refusing to even consider abandoning the auctions. In addition, the consultation only runs for one month, in contravention of the law on consultations. If you oppose the mooring auctions, please respond to the consultation before 3rd November expressing your opposition. Send your response to mooring.updates@canalrivertrust.org.uk. Or make a formal complaint.
CRT advertises welfare officer post
Monday, September 1st, 2014CRT to appoint Welfare Officer
Thursday, July 10th, 2014Pensioner publicises ‘No Evictions’ campaign during royal visit
Friday, April 11th, 2014Petition reaches 5000 but CRT reneges on personal scrutiny of enforcement cases by Chief Executive
Monday, February 17th, 2014A boat dweller who is facing court action by CRT was told that Richard Parry will not personally scrutinise every decision to take boat dwellers to court, whether against sick boaters or otherwise, according to a petition on the 38 degrees web site. This is in direct contradiction to the discussion between a K&A boater and Mr Parry.