BW never intended K and A mooring strategy meetings to continue

Monday, February 27th, 2012

 On 28 November 2011,  BW’s Damian Kemp informed members of the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group by email that there would be no more meetings and that BW would complete the Mooring Strategy in-house. Yet this message has turned out to be entirely dishonest – BW had already planned in September 2011 that the October 2011 meeting was to be the last.

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Partnership Board to form committee on mooring strategy

Friday, February 17th, 2012

There have been further developments regarding the local mooring strategy at the Kennet and Avon Local Waterways Partnership Board. 

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Breaking the Ice

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

British Waterways recently sent round a circular email advertising their winter moorings, with the advice that boaters, if unable to move due to the canal being frozen, would have to ask  their local patrol officer for permission to remain.

This prompted a FoI request regarding the numbers of craft with icebreaking capabilities in BW’s possession, and the  number of hours for which they were deployed in this capacity during the winter of 2010-2011

BW have now responded:

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BW release draft mooring strategy proposals

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

BW recently released a draft summary of the Local Mooring Strategy proposals to the Steering Group and the representatives of unaffiliated boaters on the Group responded to these draft proposals this week. BW has asked for responses from Steering Group members prior to putting the finalised proposals out to consultation. Watch out for boaters’ meetings soon to make sure you have your say about it. BW’s summary of the proposals and the unaffiliated boaters’ response is below.

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New job for Damian Kemp

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Damian Kemp, BW’s Project Officer who chaired the Local Mooring Strategy Steering Group and did the legwork for the 2009 consultations on National Mooring Policy, Local Mooring Strategies and the now discredited Lee and Stort Moorings Managament Plan, has a new job.

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Latest information on BW’s “CC Procedure”

Monday, January 30th, 2012

After a delay of around 15 months BW has finally coughed up some information about changes to its “continuous cruising” enforcement procedure.

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BW Charity Transfer Delayed

Monday, January 30th, 2012

 It looks like the transfer of BW to charity status will be held up due to the time the Parliamentary procedure is expected to take.

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FOI will apply to Canal and River Trust

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

After some embarrassing shilly-shallying a few weeks ago in response to questions from Chippenham MP Duncan Hames, the Waterways Minister Richard Benyon has confirmed that the statutory functions of the BW charity will continue to be subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Mr Benyon’s statement is part of the DEFRA’s conclusions following the supplementary consultation in September and October on the transfer of BW to charity status.

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Public Bodies Bill becomes law but still time to object to BW charity registration

Friday, December 16th, 2011

The Public Bodies Bill that will enable the government to transfer BW to a charity, gained Royal Assent on 14 December and is now law. There is still time to object to the registration of the Canal and River Trust. We understand that the application to register the charity will be made very soon so there isn’t a lot of time to get your objections in.

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BW to finish mooring strategy without any more meetings

Friday, December 16th, 2011

BW has decided unilaterally that there will be no more meetings of the local mooring strategy steering group and the mooring strategy will be completed in-house. In a message to the steering group members, Damian Kemp said

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