Posts Tagged ‘enforcement’

Looking Glass Eyes and the Laws of Physics

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Life along the Kennet and Avon canal has of late adopted a gently surreal Kafkaesque tone.

The latest offering from the CART is a letter telling people they haven’t ‘moved through enough neighbourhoods’ in the last three months. it ends with a black edged obituary box stating “YOU ARE AT RISK OF LOSING YOUR BOAT’.

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What to do if CRT tell you your boat has not been sighted in enough “neighbourhoods” in three months

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

This month, many boaters received a letter from CRT alleging that their boat was sighted in less than the “required” number of “neighbourhoods” between Bath and Foxhangers during the three months from June to August 2014. These letters amount to harassment. The K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan was proposed and consulted on as a voluntary agreement, and therefore CRT cannot now state that boaters are “required” to travel through a specific number of “neighbourhoods”. One of the letters is pictured below.

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Volunteer enforcer harasses liveaboard without home mooring

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

A volunteer mooring ranger told a boater without a home mooring recently that “You are one of those continuous cruisers that won’t follow the rules”, demonstrating a prejudiced attitude that is contrary to the job description for these volunteers.

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CRT advertises welfare officer post

Monday, September 1st, 2014

CRT has advertised its new Welfare Officer post. The closing date is 12th September.

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CRT releases first report on K&A Interim 12-month Local Plan

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

CRT has this week published the first of four planned three-monthly reports on the K&A Local Plan.

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Local mooring plan is “sheer harassment” says boater

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

A boater left his berth at Caen Hill marina and spent three days moored on the towpath. Then his engine broke down. He took his boat into the Foxhangers hire boat base for repairs, and it was moored there for a further three days while the repairs are being done. He then received an email from CRT saying that he has been moored in one “neighbourhood” for longer than 14 days and he should move.

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What to do if CRT tell you that you have incurred a £25 extended stay “charge”

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

A number of boaters have received letters from CRT alleging that they have overstayed on Visitor Moorings and either demanding £25 per day “extended stay charge” or stating that CRT could have imposed a charge of £25 per day but it was waived it in this instance as the Local Plan has not been in place for very long. We recommend that anyone who receives one of these letters makes a formal complaint.

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Boat checkers are now Licensing Officers

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

The two Data Checkers (boat checkers) on the K&A, Paul Maidment and Matthew Preston, have recently had their job descriptions changed and are now called Licensing Officers.

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K&A boaters action group next meeting 11th August, Semington

Monday, August 4th, 2014

The next meeting of the K&A boaters action group is next Monday 11th August at 7.30pm in Semington.

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Boater writes cruising log app

Thursday, July 24th, 2014

A boater has come up with an innovative solution to the problem of inaccurate boat sighting information by CRT leading to enforcement action. John Quinlan has written an app called CruisingLog that uses GPS to record your boat movements.

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